Monday 26 December 2016

Hey — need free chiropractor leads?


I saw that you were a local chiropractor.

I run a service where I provide leads to chiropractors of local people complaining about back pain, and I either just pass on the leads to you each week for you to reply to, or I have another service where each day I’d not only find the leads, but I’d respond to them on your behalf with a message that would point them in your direction to help with any offer you want.

I know you’re probably wondering what type of leads these would be and if they’ll be any good for you, so rather than just take me at my word for it, I was wondering if you’d be interested in getting a free sample of leads from the last couple of days or so so that you could see what the leads are complaining about back pain wise (you’ll see exactly what they’re saying), how to reply to them via social media, etc..
Here is the link for the free leads

If you’re interested, just reply back and let me know, and I’ll then pass on the free sample within a day for you to test out.  If you like them and want more, I can either give you a weekly export of leads for $297 / month, or I can find leads daily for you and reply to all of them on your behalf every day for $997 / month.  My goal is for you to get a quick ROI being that just one good lead can have a lifetime value worth far more than the price of this service, which can be completely hands free for you.

If you’re not interested, no worries — you can keep the sample leads and do with them as you wish.

Let me know!


Here is the link for the weekly export of leads for $ 297/month

Here is the link for the daily leads  for you and reply to all of them on your behalf everyday for $997/month

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